Saturday, November 30, 2013
Remembering When I Promise From This Day Forward
November 30th, 1997
Sixteen years ago this day was a Sunday. At this point in the day I was getting ready for the BIG moment! My intended and I were going to be married in a candlelight service after the evening church service. The church was decorated for Christmas and it was beautiful. Every time I watch our wedding video I am mesmerized. Would it be wrong to say everything looked Holy? At the least it looked serene.
At 8pm we were married. It would have been a candlelight service, but we didn't even notice until later that our pastor's wife had forgotten to turn off the lights. lol Everyone got a big laugh when we were told, you may now kiss the bride, because it looked like I almost attacked Fred. What really happened was I lost my footing and fell into him. lol My grandmother was there and she wanted to catch the bridal bouquet so much, but she didn't manage it. We all got a big laugh out of how serious she was about that. lol I sure do miss her. My dad was also there and he has also passed on. Miss him like crazy. In fact his birthday was last Sunday. My FIL was also at our wedding and he too has passed on and left an empty spot.
My kids were small then or at least young. I was a widow with five children when Fred and I married. My youngest then was seven and my oldest just barely twenty-one. Levi was the ring bearer and during the ceremony he got tired and decided then would be a good time to sit down and take a rest on the steps up to the stage. lol Jarred was a taper lighter and I can't remember if it was a man's hair or a curtain he almost set on fire, but I know it was something.
Heather was a bridesmaid and stood up with me. Gabrielle was my flower girl and she took the job seriously. She took her time placing rose petals just so. Wayne walked me down the aisle. After the ceremony he and his friend Josh were so spiffed up in their tuxes they had to go drag main and make sure they were seen. lol We had a wonderful reception after the ceremony with church members, family and friends sharing sandwiches, finger foods, punch and wedding cake. So much food we gave a lot of it away! Our pastor's wife catered the reception and made our wedding cake and the grooms cake. I was very grateful for her help and she did a beautiful job. The main thing I remember from that day is the joy and happiness and love. I was so in love I felt giddy every time I looked at my love. That love would grow into ties that bind and bonds that don't break in the years to follow.
Sixteen years, another pregnancy, a lot of tears, hard work and happenings, some heartache, up's and down's and peak's and valley's, McKenna's surgery and a lot of joy and laughter, so MUCH joy and laughter, Levi's joining the military and his deployment, an adoption, children married, two dil's, a sil, lots of grandchildren born and some very much loved family members passing on and we call this life and embrace it.
Lord thank you for it all! We are blessed and God willing we will be blessed with another sixteen years and many more.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Pre-Black Friday Shopping Experience
This is what I ventured out last night to purchase. I almost made a mistake and missed out though because I thought it was going on sale this morning during the Black Friday sale at Walmart. I will have a happy little girl on Christmas morning. I am happy I got such a terrific deal, otherwise our youngest probably wouldn't be getting this as a gift.
This year Black Friday was over early for me. I almost messed up because I thought what I wanted was going on sale in the morning, but it was actually last night. I discovered my error at about 9:19 pm. More than an hour after the specials went on sale. At that point I grabbed my car keys and yelled at McKenna to come on and left my husband watching our youngest at home.
I decided to go to a town different than the one I planned because it is closer and I was late getting started. The parking lot at Walmart was almost empty when we drove up at about 10 pm. We went in and looked for the Nabi 2 we wanted and ended up having to ask where it was located. That's when we were told they had already sold all of them.
Bummed I called my dil. As I'm talking to her and walking to the bathroom I told her I'm going back and asking that lady to let me look at the Nabi's in the case. As I look at the Nicklodian and Jr Nabi I noticed another Nabi 2 in a different looking box. My dil said well then it has to be a Nabi 2 because they only have three. A lady offered to scan it and sure enough it came up as $99! My eyes got big and I told her I want it then. I got the last one in the store!
The good news, besides getting one of the Nabi 2's for an exceptional price, is I missed the crazy crowds and the fight that broke out over these things before we got there. The lady that checked us out said it got so bad earlier because of fighting that they had to call the police. I told her well we prayed about this on the way over. This Nabi was meant for us. She told me I believe it!
God also spared us possibly being injured in the fight that broke out at Walmart before we got there. I am very happy to have missed that ruckus! My husband is still in disbelief that I didn't leave the house to go shopping before dawn this morning. lol
This year Black Friday was over early for me. I almost messed up because I thought what I wanted was going on sale in the morning, but it was actually last night. I discovered my error at about 9:19 pm. More than an hour after the specials went on sale. At that point I grabbed my car keys and yelled at McKenna to come on and left my husband watching our youngest at home.
I decided to go to a town different than the one I planned because it is closer and I was late getting started. The parking lot at Walmart was almost empty when we drove up at about 10 pm. We went in and looked for the Nabi 2 we wanted and ended up having to ask where it was located. That's when we were told they had already sold all of them.
Bummed I called my dil. As I'm talking to her and walking to the bathroom I told her I'm going back and asking that lady to let me look at the Nabi's in the case. As I look at the Nicklodian and Jr Nabi I noticed another Nabi 2 in a different looking box. My dil said well then it has to be a Nabi 2 because they only have three. A lady offered to scan it and sure enough it came up as $99! My eyes got big and I told her I want it then. I got the last one in the store!
The good news, besides getting one of the Nabi 2's for an exceptional price, is I missed the crazy crowds and the fight that broke out over these things before we got there. The lady that checked us out said it got so bad earlier because of fighting that they had to call the police. I told her well we prayed about this on the way over. This Nabi was meant for us. She told me I believe it!
God also spared us possibly being injured in the fight that broke out at Walmart before we got there. I am very happy to have missed that ruckus! My husband is still in disbelief that I didn't leave the house to go shopping before dawn this morning. lol
Celebrate C.S. Lewis Birthday With 20% Off Pre-orders!
It's C. S. Lewis birthday! Pre-order the MERE CHRISTIANITY CRITICAL ANALYSIS JOURNAL today through December 2nd and get 20% off! Use code LEWIS-115.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
BIG News Plus Homeschool GIVEAWAYS and FREEBIES
Now for the second part of my BIG news happening this Friday! As part of the Black Friday events and shopping deals, The Home School Adventure Co., is thrilled to assist the fine folks at Homeschool Giveaways and Freebies by telling you about their giveaway. On Black Friday they will be having a giveaway of more than $1,900 in prizes!
Check it out. There are lots of great prizes being given away .
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Thanksgiving Fun, Freebies And More!
We have been studying about the Pilgrims for our latest unit. I made some paper suitcases for the girls and they pretended to be pilgrims setting sail on the Mayflower for America. Inside they drew pictures and made a list of things they would take along on their journey. The suitcases were so easy to make. I used to pieces of construction paper and taped them together. Then I cut two handle shapes for each suitcase and taped the handles to each side. Pretty simple, but cute. It also helped the girls realize how little material goods the pilgrims had when they came to the New World.
We also covered the Mayflower Compact. I showed the girls the copy I have. When I explained how the pilgrims wrote with a quill they decided they wanted to try to make one, so we have been gathering feather to make our own quill pens.
Below are some of the Thanksgiving Fun I have rounded up for my crew and also some of the resources we used.
First we made a list of fun things we would like to do. We are sharing our list with you and hope you are inspired by all things fall!
1. Rake leaves and jump in them.
2. Go on a nature walk.
3. Take a drive to look at the fall foliage.
4. Go to a corn maze.
5. Make caramel apples.
6. Pop popcorn and make caramel corn.
7. Go on a hayride.
8. Make a thankful tree and list our blessings.
9. Make cookies and do a cookie drop.
10. Make some leaf art.
11. Go on a late night drive to look at the stars.
12. Have an indoor picnic on the living room floor.
13. Make a pj run to Sonic.
There you have it our Baker's dozen for lots of Thanksgiving Fun!
Fall Crafts
Wax leaves
Make Leaf Animals
Make A Thankful Turkey
Paper Plate Turkey
Pilgrim Hats and Bonnets
Toilet Paper Tube Pilgrims
Math Pages
Skip Counting Turkeys
Hundreds Chart
Addition Fast Facts
Word Problems - FREE download
Greater than Less Than download (TPT)
Measurement (TPT) download
Mayflower Math (5th grade)
Language Arts
Writing Activity
Thankful Writing Worksheets - FREE (TPT)
How To Cook A Turkey (writing worksheets)
Pilgrim's Possessive Nouns - FREEBIE
Balloon Boats Mayflower Race
Cranberry Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Science - Make a tin foil Mayflower and see how much it can hold!
Carrot Root and Rubber Turkey Bone Experiment
Make Butter
Sprouting Corn
Testing For Starch Experiment
A New Beginning
Where Does Thanksgiving Dinner Come From
Pilgrim's Progress
The Mayflower Compact
Mayflower Passenger List
Food On The Mayflower
Thankful Bible Lessons
Bible Verses and Copywork
Thankful Bible Lesson and A Game
You can find these links and many more on my Pilgrims/Thanksgiving board on Pinterest
Be sure to follow me on Pinterest for lots of terrific ideas and inspiration!
We also covered the Mayflower Compact. I showed the girls the copy I have. When I explained how the pilgrims wrote with a quill they decided they wanted to try to make one, so we have been gathering feather to make our own quill pens.
Below are some of the Thanksgiving Fun I have rounded up for my crew and also some of the resources we used.
First we made a list of fun things we would like to do. We are sharing our list with you and hope you are inspired by all things fall!
1. Rake leaves and jump in them.
2. Go on a nature walk.
3. Take a drive to look at the fall foliage.
4. Go to a corn maze.
5. Make caramel apples.
6. Pop popcorn and make caramel corn.
7. Go on a hayride.
8. Make a thankful tree and list our blessings.
9. Make cookies and do a cookie drop.
10. Make some leaf art.
11. Go on a late night drive to look at the stars.
12. Have an indoor picnic on the living room floor.
13. Make a pj run to Sonic.
There you have it our Baker's dozen for lots of Thanksgiving Fun!
Fall Crafts
Wax leaves
Make Leaf Animals
Make A Thankful Turkey
Paper Plate Turkey
Pilgrim Hats and Bonnets
Toilet Paper Tube Pilgrims
Math Pages
Skip Counting Turkeys
Hundreds Chart
Addition Fast Facts
Word Problems - FREE download
Greater than Less Than download (TPT)
Measurement (TPT) download
Mayflower Math (5th grade)
Language Arts
Writing Activity
Thankful Writing Worksheets - FREE (TPT)
How To Cook A Turkey (writing worksheets)
Pilgrim's Possessive Nouns - FREEBIE
Balloon Boats Mayflower Race
Cranberry Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Science - Make a tin foil Mayflower and see how much it can hold!
Carrot Root and Rubber Turkey Bone Experiment
Make Butter
Sprouting Corn
Testing For Starch Experiment
A New Beginning
Where Does Thanksgiving Dinner Come From
Pilgrim's Progress
The Mayflower Compact
Mayflower Passenger List
Food On The Mayflower
Thankful Bible Lessons
Bible Verses and Copywork
Thankful Bible Lesson and A Game
You can find these links and many more on my Pilgrims/Thanksgiving board on Pinterest
Be sure to follow me on Pinterest for lots of terrific ideas and inspiration!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Home Grown Hearts Academy Homeschool Blog: 2013 Holiday & Black Friday Homeschool Deals
Home Grown Hearts Academy Homeschool Blog: 2013 Holiday & Black Friday Homeschool Deals
Check out the great Black Friday deals listed in this blog post in the above link!
Check out the great Black Friday deals listed in this blog post in the above link!
Years ago I started a journey that I was invited to go on. I was so excited, but I had no idea what I was going to encounter and how I was going to grow and be changed by my travels. I had a destination and my goal was to get there! I was ready and faunching at the bit to go. Well you know how it is with any trip you begin. You leave on your journey and then you start thinking. You think did I turn off that iron, did I lock the door, did I put a hold on the mail etc? When I walked over the threshold of my door I KNEW I was ready, but once I started toward my destination I had fears,began second guessing myself, thinking to myself will they like me, will I be good enough, will I measure up? Who did I think I was?
On and On it went and pretty soon I was disheartened and
discouraged, but I kept plugging away putting one foot in front of the other.
My thoughts were stealing my joy and I
was letting peace fly right out the window! Not only that, but my baggage seemed
to get heavier and heavier the longer I traveled. I tried to do all the right
things, see all the sights, read all about them and study them and attempted to
act first and think later . Some days it worked. Then I would hit a snag and
someone would say something to me either I didn’t understand or that made me
feel ignorant. I tried to pretend I was
with it. That I knew how to travel and I knew the ropes, but the truth was I was
new at this traveling gig. I hadn’t yet realized I was listening to the wrong
people part of the time. People who had never really traveled or who had stopped
traveling and were outside my traveling circle. I looked like a traveler on the
outside, but on the inside I was not yet grounded and confidant, secure in who I
was as a traveler.
I made so many mistakes along the way at the beginning
of the trip I came near to being left behind by my fellow travelers! Yes, I
undertook a journey with other travelers! They weren’t going to force me to
continue and they let me make up my own mind to continue or not. To make matters worse I was traveling with
foreigners and at first I just did not understand a lot of what they did or
said. They had funny ideas too, and they were always reading. Not to mention,
many times they would break out singing. That always threw me into a panic,
because I didn’t know the words, the tunes or the songs. I would try to sing
along, but most of the time I just sat there like a bump on a log trying to
sing, but only managing every fifth word or so, or the chorus of the
My fellow travelers had meetings too. At first I
couldn’t fathom why they regularly got together like they did, but I went along
with it. Getting up early or staying late, and getting to those meetings on time
and studying what they discussed so I would be presentable and could participate
was at first a lot of work for me. After a while of traveling together though I
began to notice a peculiar thing. I began to understand their ideas and
thoughts. I also learned the words to the songs they sang and began to sing with
them. I even understood their language! Getting to those meetings on time was
becoming less and less of a chore and more and more of an anticipation that made
me feel excited and eager.
Another thing I noticed was my memory improved and my
fears subsided. I worried less and less
about what I had done, about my past,
if others liked me or if I would be good enough. MY joy stopped being
stolen and started to increase. It increased and increased until it over-flowed
and I felt compelled to share it. That’s
how it is with joy. It’s contagious and you can’t help, but share it. It kind of
just rubs off on others.
By now you might be thinking my journey was all peaceful and without problems
for the rest of the trip by this point. Not so, in fact I can’t begin to relate
how many awful and grievous things happened. Things so out of the norm of
everyday life that no one expects to have to deal with them in daily life let
alone while traveling. Those problems or
road bumps as I might call them didn’t deter me from my final destination goal
though. I sometimes traveled slower and
I sometimes sought out a shoulder to cry on, but you know what? My fellow
travelers were amazing! They held me when I cried, gave me a shoulder to cry on,
shared sound advice and pointed me in the right direction and helped me keep on
the right path. They taught me how to talk to my father about life’s hurdles and
it really helped. I didn’t always have a relationship with him. My fellow
travelers knew that and encouraged me to spend time with him during my
journey. All along the way they also
laughed with me and shared good times and joy too. Eventually I began to read
also and the more I read the more I wanted answers to my questions about this
trip. I also wanted to know who I was and what my purpose was. Who did I think I was? Well from the
beginning of my journey to now, who I think I am changed.
In the beginning, when I stated this trip I had no idea
who I was. Not really who I was or why I was.
I thought I was traveling with foreigners, but I came to understand I was
a foreigner too. I am so glad my fellow
travelers are still traveling with me on this journey! Read on and be
All these died in faith, without receiving the promises,
but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having
confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For those who say
such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. And
indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they
would have had opportunity to return. Instead they were longing for a better
country – a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God,
for he has prepared a city for them. Hebrews 11:29
WOW! So God wasn’t ashamed to be associated with
me. It matters not so much how the world
defines me or who they say I am. Who am I? Who does God say I am?
I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and
daughters, says the Lord Almighty. 2
Corinthians 6:17-18
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1
Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God
and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we
may also share in his glory. Romans 8:17
I have the privilege of being a daughter of the King! I
am one of his heirs! I am a child of God, one of his own! I am NOT an orphan and I am NOT alone! My
father is the King of Kings.
Sisters and brothers take heart. Don’t be discouraged, be encouraged. Don’t be
disheartened, be heartened. Cast off the cares of this world and don’t let the
baggage this world would heap on you with suffering cause you to doubt your salvation and who you
are. Be assured you are a child of God and have been adopted into his family. He
is your father and you are his child.
For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath, but to
receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:9
If you don’t know him yet and think you have to get
cleaned up first put that fear aside. Christ died on the cross so that all may
be forgiven of sin and he did that before you or anyone else ever attempted to
get cleaned up.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only
son, that whoever believes in him shall
not perish, but have eternal life. John
All the cleaning in the world that I ever did on my own
to make myself presentable and look good never wiped away or absolved one smidge
of my sin. That would be a monumental and overwhelming task that I can never
achieve on my own no matter how clean I get, how good I am, how much good I do,
or how pious I appear. I have had
tragedies happen and I have grieved and been wounded, but God never once looked
at me and said you are HOPELESS!
Scripture says,
You will be secure because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. Job 11:18
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for
God my savior, my God will hear me. Micah 7:7
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he
who promised is faithful. Hebrews
And hope does not disappointed us because, God has
poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom he has given us.
Romans 5:5
Who do you think you are? God says you are His child,
you are forgiven, you have hope, you have a future, you will be secure because
there is hope, and you are saved! You are most precious, a rare jewel and YOU
were worth dying for.
You can also read my post as today's guest blogger at, Home Grown Hearts Academy. Jennifer is my daughter-in-law and a wonderful and talented blogger. Check her blog out with this link.
You can also read my post as today's guest blogger at, Home Grown Hearts Academy. Jennifer is my daughter-in-law and a wonderful and talented blogger. Check her blog out with this link.
Monday, November 18, 2013
How To Cook A Turkey
We began our Pilgrim Unit today. One of the activities I came up with for the girls was a writing activity where they explained how to cook a turkey. McLarin had us in s stitches with her directions.
How To Cook A Turkey by McLarin W.
First, call the turkey up. Chase it around a corn maze. Catch it and kill it by grabbing the tail.
Next, pull feathers, put in a pan, take out bones. Throw bones in grass.
Then, cook turkey for five minutes. Cut turkey for five minutes in pieces. Look for turkey feathers and put them in your hair.
I have decided I'm never letting McLarin cook the turkey for Thanks Giving. Not unless she has some lessons first. LOL Of course her telling this to us was even funnier in person because she did sound effects and added tidbits. Such as when she said to call the turkey up she make what to her was a turkey call that sounded something like eh eh eh eh eh. She also made sure we knew to throw the bones in the grass, NOT the trash! I think she was remembering how we give the dogs the turkey bones. Now where she came up with wearing the feathers in her hair, I may be speculating, but I think that was from the last unit we did. However I think something was lost on her and she's watched a few too many old Westerns. We studied Native Americans, but we didn't do anything with feathers!
I can already tell this is going to be a FUN unit study!
How To Cook A Turkey by McLarin W.
First, call the turkey up. Chase it around a corn maze. Catch it and kill it by grabbing the tail.
Next, pull feathers, put in a pan, take out bones. Throw bones in grass.
Then, cook turkey for five minutes. Cut turkey for five minutes in pieces. Look for turkey feathers and put them in your hair.
I have decided I'm never letting McLarin cook the turkey for Thanks Giving. Not unless she has some lessons first. LOL Of course her telling this to us was even funnier in person because she did sound effects and added tidbits. Such as when she said to call the turkey up she make what to her was a turkey call that sounded something like eh eh eh eh eh. She also made sure we knew to throw the bones in the grass, NOT the trash! I think she was remembering how we give the dogs the turkey bones. Now where she came up with wearing the feathers in her hair, I may be speculating, but I think that was from the last unit we did. However I think something was lost on her and she's watched a few too many old Westerns. We studied Native Americans, but we didn't do anything with feathers!
I can already tell this is going to be a FUN unit study!
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McLarin holding her paper she did on How To Cook A Turkey. |
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Native Americans Unit
The last two weeks we have been studying Native Americans. I think the most favorite part of our unit was when we learned about the Navajo Code Talkers. I had great plans for doing some crafts and hands on things to really get into this unit, but with a sick child and myself becoming sick it just didn't happen. Such is life. Below are a few pictures and links to some of the resources we used.
READ-ALOUD: Kuni Of The Cherokees
A book about a young Cherokee boy and his friend who were part of the group of Cherokees who were in the forced removal of the indians from their land. It's an old book and told in pretty good detail the travails, hunger, death and a few kindnesses they faced on the trail. It also tells of Sequoyah and how he developed the Cherokee alphabet and about their adjustment after they reached Indian Territory.
Navajo Code Talkers
Native American Ballerinas
Trail Of Tears Map
Native American Symbols
Cherokee Alphabet
Coloring pages
Tribes and Regions
Native American Homes
Alice C Fletcher, American Ethnologist diary excerpts
Fry Bread Recipe
Creating the pictographs below the girls discovered it takes talent, but they still enjoyed themselves. I won't even describe how hard we found the Cherokee alphabet to be when we tried to write our names. It made us wish we had a Cherokee friend to show us how to properly use the Cherokee alphabet.

For more ideas on this subject and others follow me on my Pinterest boards!
READ-ALOUD: Kuni Of The Cherokees
A book about a young Cherokee boy and his friend who were part of the group of Cherokees who were in the forced removal of the indians from their land. It's an old book and told in pretty good detail the travails, hunger, death and a few kindnesses they faced on the trail. It also tells of Sequoyah and how he developed the Cherokee alphabet and about their adjustment after they reached Indian Territory.
Navajo Code Talkers
Native American Ballerinas
Trail Of Tears Map
Native American Symbols
Cherokee Alphabet
Coloring pages
Tribes and Regions
Native American Homes
Alice C Fletcher, American Ethnologist diary excerpts
Fry Bread Recipe
Creating the pictographs below the girls discovered it takes talent, but they still enjoyed themselves. I won't even describe how hard we found the Cherokee alphabet to be when we tried to write our names. It made us wish we had a Cherokee friend to show us how to properly use the Cherokee alphabet.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
The Measure Of Wisdom, Words And Being Understood
It has been said that, "People don't speak to be heard, they speak to be understood." I was reminded of this recently when I read those words on a friends facebook wall. For some reason this time reading that phrase made me stop and mull it over, and while pausing I considered what it really meant. The conclusion I came to is, there is a huge amount of truth in this simple sentence after reflecting on my own experiences of being understood or misunderstood.. People speak so others get who they are and identify with them. When someone tells their spouse you never listen to me, what they're really saying is, You don't sense what's bothering me. You don't hear the meaning of my words. How do they know their spouse hasn't made sense of what they have tried to tell them? Because of words, the response they received, what was said back to them or the lack of what was said. When what they have said is interpreted correctly by their spouse there is a recognition in their spirit of understanding. There is something to be said about confiding in another who identifies with you and grasps the essence of your words.You know they have a knowledge of what you mean and they get the picture. You may even have uttered the words, Exactly, that's exactly how I feel!
I think as individuals we have a need to have others perceive us correctly. To know others deduce with clarity who we are. It's comforting when someone has a distinct understanding and recognizes what we're feeling. Then we feel heard. Being understood can comfort, defuse an angry situation, resolve a matter, make one feel heard, loved, and appreciated. What good is speaking words if no one understands you? Making sense of what is said is important and good listening skills are vital to be able to do that. Have you ever tried talking to someone who is thinking of what they want to say next and doesn't take the time to hear what you are saying to them? It can make you think you'd get further by beating your head against a brick wall. You can talk until you are blue in the face, but they just don't get it. Then on the other hand there are those individuals who have an ability to sense what you're trying to say. They identify with you and you know they get the picture! So much so at times that when you find yourself stumbling and looking for the right words to express yourself they can say just what you yourself are trying to get across! These individuals have such insight and hear not only the words, but the message spoken by the one who uttered them. They always seem to leave you feeling understood. They have the knack of drawing out of you what you feel and mean and want to say. That my friends is a hugely important skill and not everyone has that ability. When someone instinctively knows how to accomplish that and you talk with them you find yourself nodding and thinking, YES, YOU understand, YOU get ME!
There have been times I have had a conversation with someone who didn't possess the skills of listening and understanding and I've come away from those conversations frustrated. I've actually had conversations with individuals who rush in to give advice and assume they know how I feel or what I was going to say before I finished speaking. They didn't bother to attentively listen to what I was saying. They heard the words, but they didn't comprehend their meaning because they had a preconceived idea of what they thought I was thinking.
If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame. Proverbs 18:13
Those kind of conversations give rise to an anxious feeling and strong desire to get them to see, to understand! The more I try to explain my point the more apparent it becomes they don't understand and just don't get it. I've slowly, over the years, come to realize it's usually best in those circumstances to STOP! Because experience tells me they probably aren't going to perceive correctly just because I repeat myself over and over. Scripture admonishes, Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. Matthew 13:13
WOW! Making sense of what is said in a conversation is so important to gaining wisdom and wisdom is tied to understanding! A portion of wisdom is gained by being quick to listen and being conscious of what others are attempting to say. By heeding what is said and paying attention. Hearing with more than just our ears. What good is wisdom if we don't get the picture? It's important to take time to improve listening skills. Stop and take time and hear what we are being told.. To actively build the skill of learning to interpret what others are saying we need to hone those auditory skills and put them into action.. It's annoying to talk and not have others make sense of what you've told them. Sometimes because they weren't paying attention. To understand you have to actively participate and you can't participate if you don't focus on what's being shared. We need to stop and take time to really listen closely, instead of being concerned primarily with what we are going to say next. We need to listen closely, so we don't come to the wrong conclusion and misspeak.
I think as individuals we have a need to have others perceive us correctly. To know others deduce with clarity who we are. It's comforting when someone has a distinct understanding and recognizes what we're feeling. Then we feel heard. Being understood can comfort, defuse an angry situation, resolve a matter, make one feel heard, loved, and appreciated. What good is speaking words if no one understands you? Making sense of what is said is important and good listening skills are vital to be able to do that. Have you ever tried talking to someone who is thinking of what they want to say next and doesn't take the time to hear what you are saying to them? It can make you think you'd get further by beating your head against a brick wall. You can talk until you are blue in the face, but they just don't get it. Then on the other hand there are those individuals who have an ability to sense what you're trying to say. They identify with you and you know they get the picture! So much so at times that when you find yourself stumbling and looking for the right words to express yourself they can say just what you yourself are trying to get across! These individuals have such insight and hear not only the words, but the message spoken by the one who uttered them. They always seem to leave you feeling understood. They have the knack of drawing out of you what you feel and mean and want to say. That my friends is a hugely important skill and not everyone has that ability. When someone instinctively knows how to accomplish that and you talk with them you find yourself nodding and thinking, YES, YOU understand, YOU get ME!
There have been times I have had a conversation with someone who didn't possess the skills of listening and understanding and I've come away from those conversations frustrated. I've actually had conversations with individuals who rush in to give advice and assume they know how I feel or what I was going to say before I finished speaking. They didn't bother to attentively listen to what I was saying. They heard the words, but they didn't comprehend their meaning because they had a preconceived idea of what they thought I was thinking.
If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame. Proverbs 18:13
Those kind of conversations give rise to an anxious feeling and strong desire to get them to see, to understand! The more I try to explain my point the more apparent it becomes they don't understand and just don't get it. I've slowly, over the years, come to realize it's usually best in those circumstances to STOP! Because experience tells me they probably aren't going to perceive correctly just because I repeat myself over and over. Scripture admonishes, Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. Matthew 13:13
WOW! Making sense of what is said in a conversation is so important to gaining wisdom and wisdom is tied to understanding! A portion of wisdom is gained by being quick to listen and being conscious of what others are attempting to say. By heeding what is said and paying attention. Hearing with more than just our ears. What good is wisdom if we don't get the picture? It's important to take time to improve listening skills. Stop and take time and hear what we are being told.. To actively build the skill of learning to interpret what others are saying we need to hone those auditory skills and put them into action.. It's annoying to talk and not have others make sense of what you've told them. Sometimes because they weren't paying attention. To understand you have to actively participate and you can't participate if you don't focus on what's being shared. We need to stop and take time to really listen closely, instead of being concerned primarily with what we are going to say next. We need to listen closely, so we don't come to the wrong conclusion and misspeak.
2 Corinthians 5:10-11 For we must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
I think the above scripture pretty much raises before us the standard we need to adhere to when weighing how important listening and understanding are according to God's measuring stick.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Sharing My Perspective Of Time4Learning
A year or so ago we used Time4Learning and since then we have been asked by a few who knew we used it what we thought of the on-line program. I'm going to share our experience and take this opportunity to review Time4Learning. Please understand our experience and our our opinion is unique to us and may or may not be the same for others using Time4Learning. I am going to share my perspective as the mother of a child who has vision difficulties. We began Time4Learning with the hope that this was just what we had been looking for. I was hoping for a program that would free up some of my time during the school day. Our daughter has vision problems that have made it difficult for her to learn to read and she still struggles with reading. Just trying to be transparent and truthful by admitting that.
I love that a record of lessons is kept, so that you have a record of how your child is doing. It's a nice feature that the lessons are graded so that doesn't have to be done. While I did have to be present to help with some reading for our daughter, it was a bonus in my book that we didn't have to stay at the same level for each subject. Our daughter could use a grade higher or lower according to her ability of she needed to and switching between grade levels was a breeze.. The lessons and tests aren't excessively long either. While I wouldn't consider Time4Learning a full curriculum, and it didn't free up my time like I hoped, it can be used as a tool for remedial work and when there is a need for a little extra for practice. The on-screen visuals could be improved a little. Providing links to highlights in the lessons would be nice. Audio would be wonderful! It would be so nice to have an audio feature that defines and translates the meaning of new words or terms within a lesson. One other thing that you may want to consider is the price. At almost twenty dollars per month for one child it can get a little pricey for a years use. There is a bit of a price break if you use it for two children, but no price break for more than two. For two children the cost for nine months would be over $300. Of course the cost would be more if you used it year round.
We used Time4Learning mainly in the range of grades 4-5. Our daughter liked the language arts part of the lesson that was read to her. In order to retain her comprehension though I had to be available to read the rest of the lesson and help her with the test questions. It was much the same with science and history. The stories kept her interest and she was able to answer the questions and understand the content, but for a vision impaired child it would have been nice to have lessons with an audio feature that could be turned off and on. Math was a little easier for her and she was able to figure out much of it on her own. We both liked how the examples were shown and how corrections of worked problems stayed on the screen until she understood them and was ready to go to the next problem. It would have been nice to have more interactive features and games and more practice problems for reinforcement. A child with no learning or visual problems most likely will have no problems using Time4Learning, although they might want more activities.
I hope this review has been helpful and has answered questions, especially for parents who know what it's like to have a struggling learner and are considering Time4Learning.
I love that a record of lessons is kept, so that you have a record of how your child is doing. It's a nice feature that the lessons are graded so that doesn't have to be done. While I did have to be present to help with some reading for our daughter, it was a bonus in my book that we didn't have to stay at the same level for each subject. Our daughter could use a grade higher or lower according to her ability of she needed to and switching between grade levels was a breeze.. The lessons and tests aren't excessively long either. While I wouldn't consider Time4Learning a full curriculum, and it didn't free up my time like I hoped, it can be used as a tool for remedial work and when there is a need for a little extra for practice. The on-screen visuals could be improved a little. Providing links to highlights in the lessons would be nice. Audio would be wonderful! It would be so nice to have an audio feature that defines and translates the meaning of new words or terms within a lesson. One other thing that you may want to consider is the price. At almost twenty dollars per month for one child it can get a little pricey for a years use. There is a bit of a price break if you use it for two children, but no price break for more than two. For two children the cost for nine months would be over $300. Of course the cost would be more if you used it year round.
We used Time4Learning mainly in the range of grades 4-5. Our daughter liked the language arts part of the lesson that was read to her. In order to retain her comprehension though I had to be available to read the rest of the lesson and help her with the test questions. It was much the same with science and history. The stories kept her interest and she was able to answer the questions and understand the content, but for a vision impaired child it would have been nice to have lessons with an audio feature that could be turned off and on. Math was a little easier for her and she was able to figure out much of it on her own. We both liked how the examples were shown and how corrections of worked problems stayed on the screen until she understood them and was ready to go to the next problem. It would have been nice to have more interactive features and games and more practice problems for reinforcement. A child with no learning or visual problems most likely will have no problems using Time4Learning, although they might want more activities.
I hope this review has been helpful and has answered questions, especially for parents who know what it's like to have a struggling learner and are considering Time4Learning.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Shopping On The Cheap
Friday, November 1, 2013
We Were Ready To Throw Out The Math Book! And Then We Found Life of Fred
Math was a struggle until recently. Our daughter, McKenna has struggled with learning and vision problems for years and math was a nightmare. There was no love lost between her and math. I don't think the word despise would be too strong of a definition of her feelings toward the subject. Approximately a month ago I decided something had to give. McKenna wasn't retaining what she was taught. Methods and formulas had to constantly be relearned. It was even frustrating on my part.
I made the decision after getting a hearty seal of approval from the eye doctor who oversees our daughters vision therapy. He is a homeschool parent also, and when I mentioned we were thinking of switching to Life of Fred, he said they loved Life of Fred in their house! That's all the endorsement I needed to hear. I went home and ordered several Life of Fred books.
A few weeks after I ordered the books they arrived. The first day I brought out Life of Fred I got an unenthusiastic response. Then we tried a lesson. McKenna's first comment after a lesson was, "This is math?" She couldn't believe math could be fun. Every day since then I hear her say, "I love this math!"
We've been using this math for about three or four weeks now. I can't believe the change in our daughter. There is no longer a daily struggle trying to get her to even begin her math lesson. She is able to understand concepts and retain what she learns from one day to the next and it makes sense to her. She has told me more than a few times since we made the switch how much she loves this math! I love that the lessons aren't boring, aren't long and she no longer procrastinates about doing math. At this rate we will be flying through the books and she will be on grade level in no time. For the first time in the last few years I haven't dreaded math lessons either!
Those who may be concerned that Life of Fred isn't a complete program let me ease your fears. The fact that our daughter is understanding concepts and retaining what she learns is amazing. The relaxed lessons aren't dragged out and it frees up time for us to play educational math games or to put what she's learned into practice. We are covering the lessons and working through them fast and while I am concerned we will work through them and there will be no more levels of Life of Fred left I am thrilled she is mastering what she is learning. I also appreciate that each lesson is sprinkled with other educational tidbits and not just math. A lesson we had the other day gave us the opportunity to use our globe to look up locations and countries that were mentioned.
I made the decision after getting a hearty seal of approval from the eye doctor who oversees our daughters vision therapy. He is a homeschool parent also, and when I mentioned we were thinking of switching to Life of Fred, he said they loved Life of Fred in their house! That's all the endorsement I needed to hear. I went home and ordered several Life of Fred books.
A few weeks after I ordered the books they arrived. The first day I brought out Life of Fred I got an unenthusiastic response. Then we tried a lesson. McKenna's first comment after a lesson was, "This is math?" She couldn't believe math could be fun. Every day since then I hear her say, "I love this math!"
We've been using this math for about three or four weeks now. I can't believe the change in our daughter. There is no longer a daily struggle trying to get her to even begin her math lesson. She is able to understand concepts and retain what she learns from one day to the next and it makes sense to her. She has told me more than a few times since we made the switch how much she loves this math! I love that the lessons aren't boring, aren't long and she no longer procrastinates about doing math. At this rate we will be flying through the books and she will be on grade level in no time. For the first time in the last few years I haven't dreaded math lessons either!
Those who may be concerned that Life of Fred isn't a complete program let me ease your fears. The fact that our daughter is understanding concepts and retaining what she learns is amazing. The relaxed lessons aren't dragged out and it frees up time for us to play educational math games or to put what she's learned into practice. We are covering the lessons and working through them fast and while I am concerned we will work through them and there will be no more levels of Life of Fred left I am thrilled she is mastering what she is learning. I also appreciate that each lesson is sprinkled with other educational tidbits and not just math. A lesson we had the other day gave us the opportunity to use our globe to look up locations and countries that were mentioned.
Our youngest daughter is so in love with Winter and when we saw that there was a fundraiser going on to help the animals at, Clearwater Aquarium, she was gung ho to try and help. We got in on the fundraiser a little late and there are only a few days left. McLarin, really wants to help and since right now we are broke as a joke to put it mildly, our contribution to help is pass the information along to those who may be able to help. If you want to help in our daughters name or another person you can do so by going to this link. Thanks for helping.
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Our daughter feels more responsible and in control with this math and not like she is being forced to learn something. While Life of Fred may not be for every one it has been a good fit for our daughter. Those used to a more traditional approach, who love math or don't struggle with learning may think it not meaty enough, but I disagree. As the mother of a child who is very bright, yet has had a hard time with retention and learning math it has been just the right amount of math lessons each day. Just the fact that our daughter is grasping concepts, enjoys math now and no longer hates math is enough for me to recommend Life of Fred.